Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Debate. Who are you voting for?

This post is probably only going to be interesting to me and Grandpa....

but I wanted to know.....Who does everyone endorse for President in 08?
(Grandma is trying to sell me her Hilary shirt---that ain't gonna happen!!!!!)

I'm voting for RON PAUL....because I personally enjoy my civil liberties and I think the constitution was written for a reason...and i think we should get the heck out of Iraq as soon as possible!

as much as I would love to see a woman president, I sure as heck don't want it to be a member of the Clinton family.

Presidential primaries in all of your states are coming up soon! Alot of them are on Feb 5th ("Super Tuesday") all better vote!


Kristin said...

I'm registered as a Democrat, so my ballot only has the Democratic nominees. So I'm thinking my nod will go to Barack, as the lesser of the weevils.

Anonymous said...

Right on Diane. How refreshing it is to see a thinking young conservative. For me, this year, moving to Texas means my vote at last will count. In fact, today I called the voter registration office to find out my polling place. You may want to do the same just to make sure. Their number is 210.335.8683.

Ginny Axtell said...

Anybody else interested in a Hillary shirt? It's cheap and could some day be an item on eBay, for which someone will pay you thousands, which you can invest in the stock market, thus becoming a millionaire, and this is the end of that fairy tale!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Obama, I love his wife!

Anonymous said...

We're on the sidelines here in NJ. There is no primary - only party caucuses, so no one comes to campaign here. For me, nothing really matters until the Dem/Rep Conventions, when they choose their candidates. Then I'll have an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I stand corrected. Both Hillary & Obama are here in NJ this week. Clinton is in Hackensack, Obama in Jersey City. As they say on the radio, nobody will vote for Hillary if she causes gridlock. Her entourage is messing up traffic.