Thursday, January 17, 2008

hey all, greetings from the east coast, south of jersey. kristin, can i borrow some dog and cat pics from you for next hunt? we only have pics of furry the gerbil, may she rest in peace. here is a picture of me at the castle we built in the backyard last spring. i have gained 10 pounds since then, all in my waist, of course, so i'm trying to lay off sweets and alcohol until "the wedding" in april (can't believe that's me that just said that) so i can lose it again and fit into the dress i bought. if this doesn't happen, i told roger i'm showing up in jeans....
this week, my life is all about: fine-tuning contract with jammin java for wedding after party, nagging zack about practicing the clarinet for his "exam" on friday (good luck, zack!), taping the dining room so roger can paint it this weekend, nagging savannah about cleaning up her room, logging in some hours at work so i can pay my mortgage, ordering savannah's dress for wedding, mailing remaining "save the date" cards so people actually get them before party invites go out, getting my hair cut and highlighted (yes, there is a reason it is a different color every time you see me), making a list of things not to forget to do for wedding, checking out progress on construction at roger's house (building a castle in his backyard).
question: how far in advance do we need to send out wedding after-party invites? A) mid-march (when judi wants to send them out), or 2) mid-february (when roger wants to send them out). anyone whose answer i like will get a box of godiva chocolates from laura! :o)
have a great week!


Kristin said...

Why don't you split the difference and send them out on March 1st?

Ginny Axtell said...

That was my answer, Kristin. No fair. You can't have another box of Godivas.

Ginny Axtell said...

I want a castle in my backyard. Will you come and build one for me?

Diane said...

Why don't I get chocolates? Can we make a contest that I can win? I WANT CANDY!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, glad to get input, we will shoot for march 1st...i want candy, too!!!!!!!!