Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cook Book

Now that we've gotten the blog underway, don't forget my next resolution, which Kristin reminded me of today, when she forwarded several recipes. It's definitely time to do an update of the Family Cook Book, and, by the way, if there's a recipe you think we should eliminate, send in your votes. I'm sure there are some that are not still viable. Just like cleaning out your closet, if it hasn't been used in a year (or more), do we really need it?


Anonymous said...

Well, knowing our families, perhas the dessert section could be twice as large !! I will send my new recipe for fudge tassies - they are incredible !!

Kristin said...

I know we use more dessert recipes than anything else from the cookbook. And I think that the majority of what I'll send mom is dessert recipes :)

Ginny Axtell said...

Can't wait for the fudge tassies. Yum!