Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We watched the Oscars on Sunday night...partly because my back hurt and I didn't feel like doing anything else...partly because, hey, I like the movies and I enjoy seeing the dresses. Nothing outrageous this year, either in dialog or dress.

We signed up for NetFlix a few weeks ago. One of the first movies I requested was "Once," which I had read about a while ago. It was a sleeper movie, made in Ireland, concerning a street musician who bonds with a Czechoslovakian musician. I was surprised when one of their songs was nominated for an Oscar, and they won! They appeared in person and were not dressed in designer togs and jewels. Glen's guitar looked pretty beat up. The movie was made in three weeks at a cost of $100,000. As Marketa said in her acceptance speech, "It was hope for independent musicians everywhere."

Check them out!

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