Thursday, March 6, 2008

Slight Correction....

Well, the democrats had a caucus after voting on Tuesday and the Republicans had a "Convention"...I'm not sure what the exact differences are but it was really cool. I was the youngest one there. The precinct President was an old Texan man wearing a Texas-flag vest that said "Don't Mess With Texas" so I was sure I wouldn't like him, but to my surprise, He's a RON PAUL fan too!

Anyways, I talked to alot of people there and they couldn't believe a 22 year old was at the convention. So they called the meeting to order and the first order of business was nominating and voting for a permanent Precinct Secretary for the Repub. Committee. They unanimously nominated me and I won the vote!

The next order of business was nominating delegates to go to the national republican conventions on March 29 and some other one in Minneapolis or something...all I know is, its a pretty important thing and guess what? THEY VOTED ME AS A DELEGATE! There were only 7 chosen for my precinct!

So I'm Secretary of my precinct and Delegate of the GOP. (i think) I kind of don't know what I got myself into, but hey - it seemed like a good idea and a cool experience. Perhaps you will all see me on Fox News battling it out with Bill O'Reilly!

All of that stuff was cool but the real victory...Grandpa voted for Ron Paul! That was a mission I have been on for months! Oh, and I voted for RP too. And there were a heck of alot of Obamacrats at the polling place...they are RUDE and UNHELPFUL. just wanted to put that on the record. Every Obama supporter in Precinct 3099 and 3101 can kiss my Republican Elephant!! HAAA!

Oh..and for the record...I am a Constitutionalist and a Libertarian, but that wasn't an option on voting day. haha.

p.s. looks like Brian and I have birthdays coming up *wink wink*


Ginny Axtell said...

This is so cool and we're so proud of you. If you can change Grandpa's mind, you can set your sights on ANYTHING! How about "1st female President?" Doesn't look great for Hillary.

Anonymous said...


That is way cool ! When I was in HS I volunteered with George Bush Sr's campaign.

I expect to see you as a Congressman or Senator !!