Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Low Can You Go???

hi everyone, sorry to be so scarce, it's been one hectic week after another with 1) wedding, 2) party, 3) roger getting mrsa virus, 4) packing, 5) resolving crises at my house prior to closing, 6) finalizing decisions related to renovating "roger's" house, 7) more packing, 8) end-of-year school stuff, 9) packing, 10) moving.

news at our house -- zack's lacrosse team made league championships, came in second, so he got a trophy after his very first season in his very first team sport ever. Sixth grade graduation was yesterday, all the sixth graders and all the first graders cried (savannah was a wreck!).

alex moved in with us about three weeks ago, he and zack are really bonding, i think zack is relieved to not be the oldest now.

savannah already missing first grade, last day of school is tomorrow -- yay!

btw - -our new address is 8812 southwick street, fairfax, va 22031, home phone (703)280-0790

sorry to miss everyone at stephanie and brian's graduation, we were in moving hell!

love, judi

1 comment:

Ginny Axtell said...

Congrats Zack. Great way to end up the school year. I'm impressed with "how low" you can go!

Hope things will settle down now that you've survived all of the above!